
On 27th of July 2017, at Romanian National Defence University “Carol I” (UNAp), in Bucharest, was carried on the fifth integration exercise corresponding to the third intellectual output of the QAREER project. During the focus group were discussed the career quality standards and guidelines developed within the QAREER project. Observations were made regarding their applicability in a military university.


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On 19th of July 2017, at Spiru Haret University, rectorate building, a QAREER multiplier event was organized. The standards and guidelines elaborated within the project were presented and discussed. Among the participants were representatives of the enterprises, representatives of the career guidance association at national level, representatives of other HEI etc.


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On 18th of July 2017 University of Padova organized the multiplier event corresponding to the fourth intellectual output of the QAREER project, presenting the standards and guidelines that were elaborated. The standards and guidelines presented were discussed by the participants, suggestions were made towards their improvement and their validity was confirmed.


On 10th of July 2017, the QA standards and guidelines for career services in higher education developed within the QAREER project were presented with the occasion of the multiplier event organized by Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, in Poland. The participants discussed the standards and guidelines and their applicability in the Polish context and proceeded towards their validation.


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At Spiru Haret University, on 8th of June 2017, was carried on the second focus group of the third QAREER intellectual output. At the focus group participated representatives of the university management. With this occasion the observations from the previous Spiru Haret University focus group were presented and discussed.


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O 6th of June 2017 took place the UNIR multiplier event. During the event participated a number of persons interested in QA in higher education and career services. With the occasion of the event the results of the integration cases were presented, together with the standards and guidelines for career services developed within the project (fourth intellectual output of QAREER project)


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