



The aim of QAREER project is to collect various points of view of the main players in the field (guidance professionals and QA reference persons at HEI, students, employers), to define quality standards for career services at HEI, draft the guidelines for their integration into HEI, test them in real settings in the countries of the consortium, consult and involve further universities of Europe within the process, and deliver the Guidelines for QA of career service in Higher Education (QACS) in Europe.

Project management group

Steering Committee will have as members one representative from each partner and will look for overall planning, organising, monitoring and evaluating and reporting within the project. Basically, as mentioned in the Application, the Steering Committee members are:

Objectives of the project

The main objectives of QAREER are:

  • To collect various points of view of the main players in the field (guidance professionals and QA reference persons at HEI, students, employers);
  • To define quality standards for career services at HEI;
  • To draft the guidelines for their integration into HEI
  • To test the guidelines in real settings in the countries of the consortium;
  • To consult and involve further universities of Europe within the process;
  • To deliver the Guidelines for QA of career service in Higher Education (QACS) in Europe.


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